Janela de Pedra / Window Made of Stone

É raro o dia em que não ouça o mundo dizer que Óbidos é único, especial, valioso, lindo.. são tantos os adjectivos que, apesar de há muitos anos sentir o mesmo, sinto um orgulho enorme em fazer "as honras da casa" a um sítio tão especial.

É muito bom e gratificante chegar aqui todos os dias para trabalhar - especialmente de manhã - estacionar o carro, ver o sol nascer ou crescer consoante a hora e altura do ano, subir a rua empedrada com as casinhas cheias de flores, ter a muralha grandiosa na minha frente e ser acompanhada pelo chilrear dos passarinhos cheios de energia e prontos para mais um dia de batalhas e sobrevivência. Tento apenas seguir-lhes o exemplo. Mas, confesso que fico orgulhosa de cada vez que percebo ter a imensa sorte de poder ver o mundo quase todo daqui.

Espero finalmente, por estes dias, começar a mostrar ao mundo, o que está por detrás desta Janela de Pedra.
Acreditem que nem vão acreditar! :-)

Alda's translation ;-)

Well my Dears,

What I was trying to say to you in Portuguese were that almost everyday I hear the whole world saying that Óbidos is a special, beautiful and unique place in the world. The most curious thing is that even the guests that already travelled from all over the world, are exactly the ones whose says exactly that! I confess I love to hear these kind of things and I'm also so proud of that!
You can't imagine how good and rewarding it is to arrive here every morning to work and see the amazing sunrise, walk up along the street and depare myself with the big and huge wall of big stones right in front of me... and have the peace to just listening to the singing birds around me fighting for their lives and their survival. When I think a little "deeper" I notice that I just have to follow their example and, life will be much easier and better. Although I confess I feel very proud  and blessed because I can see almost the whole world of yours from here.

Finally I hope about these days, to start to show you, what can be behind this Window of Stone.
Believe me that you will not believe! :-)

Well, and for now... just a little of "my view".

Ps. If you wish feel free to share your pics with me right here the same way - it will be fun! :))
E digo o mesmo em Português - partilhem! ;)

Alda Silvestre

2 comentários:

  1. A Room With A View: http://youtu.be/WkrldSP4EU8

    1. :) at least, sometimes you can see and imagine only what you want, can't we?! Hope you're great! :)
