?! Por aí !? IV * * * ?! Being Around !?

    Todos os sentidos são o caminho certo
    Se as árvores não morrerem de sede 
 * * *

    Every way are the right way
   If the trees do not die with thirst 

Alda Silvestre

1º Ps. Save the water from yesterday... 'cause "a water bottle can save the world"
2º Ps. See the work that obakky foundation is doing about "our home" 

Notice the way that the little boy 'embrace' Treana's hand... it almost says it all.

More than flesh and blood, all of us are made of feelings, hope and dreams.
What do you dream about..?
Most of them think that one simple bottle of good water would be a huge dream coming true...

3º Ps. More news and projects about obakky coming up soon with my small, although valuable portuguese contribute.

I have nothing but want to give everything


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